Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Emotion Video: Isolation


  1. Your music choice gave the video a fear feeling. I liked your choice of shots although they could have been more sturdy.

  2. The video made the point of isolation very well. Didn't seem like there was anything you could see in the distance when you were outside. The circular transitions I didn't like very much. Maybe just normal cuts would have worked better. Or fading perhaps?

  3. it really did leave me with a feeling of isolation...especially because we all know that feeling when dealing with this winter. great job!

  4. Nice shots. The imagery, especially with the black and white, really speaks isolation. The sound design is well done, also.

  5. Really great job at conveying isolation. At times with the music I got a sense of fear trying to creep in but that could also work with isolation as well.

  6. Your video would make a good beginning to a scary movie! I felt like you were waiting on someone to arrive, and the music suggested they weren't welcome. If you wanted to suggest more isolation you could have added shots of a person inside.

  7. It was almost psychedelic. I was waiting for something to jump out. I thought the lack of music and black and white were good choices.

  8. Black and white works perfectly for this. I liked the High contrast in some parts.
    Camera work was a bit shaky, but it didn't distract too much because it seemed like it was your point of view looking out.
    Maybe the use of a tripod would work with some of those shots though.

  9. The black and white made the video appear as if it should be in a scary movie. It had the feel of isolation, like someone is stuck by themselves inside, in a creepy, scary way.

  10. Wow, that totally looked like paranoia to me. The way you were peeking behind the blinds. Creepy!!

  11. I liked that there were no people in it. It really felt isolated and cold. The way everything was very dim also added to the feeling of isolation so I think that it worked very well.

  12. I feel the dark scenes and just total lack of people sent out the feeling of isolation well, but I think it would have been neat if you could have shown a contrast. Like show someone who's not isolated who's having fun and out then cut back the isolation, I think that would have made it more powerful.

  13. I think the color as well as the sounds of the video (the black and white) had a sort of creepy thriller effect on the feel of the video. It did appear isolated but a sort of more intense isolated.

  14. I actually felt like these were scenes out of a scary movie, I was a little creeped out! Especially with the sound in the background, I didn't feel isolation I felt paranoia or fear. But I still think the shots were great.

  15. Great job! Felt extremely isolated, reminded me of the movie entitled "the thing" were they're stuck out in this snowy region.. alone. So great job on the emotion, as well I feel the lack of music or sound effects is great, the louder ambient noises gave it a very lonely and isolated feel.
